An Angel Visits Joseph - 103 Malvern Way (download route map)
Joseph was just as surprised as Mary to be visited by an angel – and even more surprised to find out that he would be a Dad soon – he had no idea that he and Mary would be parents to God’s son!
Joseph was just as surprised as Mary to be visited by an angel – and even more surprised to find out that he would be a Dad soon – he had no idea that he and Mary would be parents to God’s son!
Luke 1v34-38; Matthew 1v18-25 The Bible
Both Mary and Joseph were unprepared for the news of Jesus coming. But the angel reassured Mary - “Nothing is impossible with God”.
Luke 1v34-38; Matthew 1v18-25 The Bible
Both Mary and Joseph were unprepared for the news of Jesus coming. But the angel reassured Mary - “Nothing is impossible with God”.
- They both put their faith in God and trusted that he was in control, though it didn’t always feel like it. Perhaps life has felt beyond our control this year. What do you need to trust God with?